Timetables of ZTM Warszawa

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
52035?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0150
605?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 012237?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0149
70115?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 012740?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0154
807?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 011931?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 014355
906?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0117273850?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
100214?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 012944?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0159
1114?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 012944?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0159
1214?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 012944?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0159
1314?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 012944?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0159
1415?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 013045?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
150015?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 012941?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0153
160517?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 012941?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0153
1705?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 011729?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 014153?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
180517?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 012941?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0153
190920?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 013146
200116?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 013146
210118?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 013247
220217?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 013150
520?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0150?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
62050?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
7103051?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
8113454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
9143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
10143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
11143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
12143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
13143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
14143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
1514 3454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
16143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
17143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
18143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
19143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
2110?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 013050
2220?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0150
520?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0150? The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
62050?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
72051?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
82354?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
92454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
10143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
11143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
12143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
13143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
14143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
15143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
16143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
17143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
18143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
19143454?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 01
2110?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 013050
2220?The service terminates at stop: FORT RADIOWO 0150